I am a PhD candidate studying physics at University of Augsburg. I like to use analytic and computational methods to tackle problems in physics and in everyday life.
My research direction is the application of artificial neural networks in quantum many-body problems. My current work focuses on solving quantum systems using neural network quantum states (NQS).
PhD in Physics, in process
University of Augsburg
MSc in Physics, 2022
ETH Zurich
BSc in Physics, 2019
Fudan University
Feed-forward neural networks are a novel class of variational wave functions for correlated many-body quantum systems. Here, we propose a specific neural network ansatz suitable for systems with real-valued wave functions. Its characteristic is to encode the all-important rugged sign structure of a quantum wave function in a convolutional neural network with discrete output. Its training is achieved through an evolutionary algorithm. We test our variational ansatz and training strategy on two spin-1/2 Heisenberg models, one on the two-dimensional square lattice and one on the three-dimensional pyrochlore lattice. In the former, our ansatz converges with high accuracy to the analytically known sign structures of ordered phases. In the latter, where such sign structures are a priory unknown, we obtain better variational energies than with other neural network states. Our results demonstrate the utility of discrete neural networks to solve quantum many-body problems.